Sierah Strong for the Schools

Health & PE Curriculum
for Middle Schools

Sierah Strong is a curriculum-based program that meets state standards and is intended to be taught annually. Our goal is to empower students with functional knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe online and in the community.

This curriculum is composed of three middle school health lessons with the goal of developing additional lessons for kindergarten through second grade and third through fifth grade. Complementing the health lessons, we have developed three levels of physical education self-defense instruction that will include four lessons in each level for middle school students. The goal is to add additional physical education lessons for kindergarten through second grade and third through fifth grade.

Parents & Community Leaders

If you would like Sierah Strong to be offered at your school, we suggest you share this recommendation with the school’s administration.

Teachers & Administration

Please share the below pdf with your curriculum team, or contact Tara Ice ( to learn more.


Access professionally produced, expert-led videos that teach the moves, safety considerations and even alternative training tools to help in the classroom.


The curriculum includes printed and digital teacher resources, worksheets, optional extensions and even a slideshow to accompany every lesson.


Want more help delivering this curriculum? Network with other teachers and earn CEUs during our Certified Teacher Training Workshop.


Central Focus: Students will learn appropriate safety skills and self-defense techniques to keep themselves safe if they encounter a compromising situation.

Techniques & Skills

  • Ready Positions
  • Footwork
  • Groundwork
  • Defense
  • Counter Offense


Healthy Behavior Outcome: Build confidence in a variety of situations that require action to stay safe.

Key Objectives:

  • Identify possible dangers and strategies to stay safe, online and in the community.
  • Identify examples of inappropriate requests/posts online and what to do if one is received or witnessed.
  • Create an advocacy message and persuade others to make positive health choices.